Thinking About Comprehension

In this brief video, Nancy Hennessy shares insights into the elements of comprehension and how educators can facilitate comprehension for students through Structured Literacy instruction.

Important Canadians Read-Aloud Unit

Modeled after Core Knowledge Language Arts units, this language and social studies unit is designed for use in Canadian kindergarten and Grade 1 classrooms. The unit is comprised of 10 lessons, each about an Important Canadian, with a teacher read-aloud document and accompanying slideshow for […]

Structured Journal Template

This structured journal template, based on the work of David Liben and Meredith Liben, can be used to introduce students to the use of structured journals in their close reading of texts. While this work can be started orally with younger students, this template will […]

Scaffolding Vocabulary and Complex Texts

Vocabulary knowledge must be intentionally nurtured to ensure that students are ready for the greater vocabulary demands of reading complex texts and writing multi-paragraph essays, but we need to pay attention to cracks in the foundation and scaffold our lessons accordingly, or it all falls […]

Teaching TV: Television as a Story Teller

The « Teaching TV: Television as a Story Teller » lesson, within Elizabeth Verrall’s comprehensive five-part unit, equips teachers with creative strategies for TV education in elementary classrooms. This lesson guides students in exploring television’s role as a narrative medium. Key learning outcomes encompass understanding how media […]

Enseignement explicite: pratiques et stratégies

Les fondamentaux de la formation à l’enseignement explicite : en théorie et en pratique. Pour choisir ses pratiques pédagogiques, tout enseignant est confronté à une multitude d’informations de qualité variable. Certaines reposent sur des traditions ou encore des opinions, tandis que d’autres reposent sur des […]

Tu es là pour moi

Tu es là pour moi s’agit d’un livre d’images de 32 pages sur l’amitié et la gentillesse, pour les élèves des niveaux préscolaire et primaire lorsque les éducateurs abordent des sujets tels que la réconciliation. Dans leurs interactions quotidiennes, les jeunes enfants peuvent faire preuve […]