Teaching Skills for Complex Text Book Study Recordings

Catch up with the recordings from our 6-part book study on Teaching Skills for Complex Text by Dr. Heidi Anne Mesmer. This series is designed to deepen close reading practices in the classroom, with a strong focus on exploring instructional routines to support students’ reading comprehension. Grounded in Strand C of the revised Ontario Language curriculum, this…

Modèle de journal structuré

Ce modèle de journal structuré, basé sur les travaux de David Liben et Meredith Liben, peut être utilisé pour initier les élèves à l’utilisation de journaux structurés dans le cadre de leur lecture attentive de textes. Bien que ce travail puisse être commencé oralement avec des élèves plus jeunes, ce modèle sera mieux adapté aux…

Teaching Reading Comprehension to Students with Learning Difficulties

This newly updated book (Third Edition) is a great resource for teachers of all grades looking to support their students’ reading comprehension. It’s particularly helpful for instructing students who have learning difficulties, but is a valuable read for all educators. The book includes chapters on Vocabulary, Promoting Content-Area Literacy, Supporting English Learners, Intensive Interventions, Multicomponent…

Important Canadians Read-Aloud Unit

Modeled after Core Knowledge Language Arts units, this language and social studies unit is designed for use in Canadian kindergarten and Grade 1 classrooms. The unit is comprised of 10 lessons, each about an Important Canadian, with a teacher read-aloud document and accompanying slideshow for student viewing during the lessons. Explicit vocabulary instruction and comprehension…

Structured Journal Template

This structured journal template, based on the work of David Liben and Meredith Liben, can be used to introduce students to the use of structured journals in their close reading of texts. While this work can be started orally with younger students, this template will be best-suited for Grades 3 and up. Before using this…

10 maximes : Ce que nous avons appris jusqu’ici sur la manière dont les enfants apprennent à lire

Dans ce document de Reading Universe adapté au français, Reid Lyon résume, en langage clair, ce que la recherche a appris sur le développement de la lecture au cours des 50 dernières années. Cette ressource aidera le personnel enseignant dans leur développement professionnelle grâce à une liste concise comprenant une sélection d’études qui sous-tendent chaque…

Teaching TV: Television as a Story Teller

The « Teaching TV: Television as a Story Teller » lesson, within Elizabeth Verrall’s comprehensive five-part unit, equips teachers with creative strategies for TV education in elementary classrooms. This lesson guides students in exploring television’s role as a narrative medium. Key learning outcomes encompass understanding how media products convey stories, recognizing elements like characters, mood, setting, and…

Text Complexity: Stretching Readers with Texts and Tasks – Second Edition

When it comes to choosing texts for the classroom, educators have a lot of questions. Should we be looking at levels, lexiles or other readability criteria? Do we limit kids to “just-right” books? How can we scaffold instruction to help struggling readers access age- and grade-appropriate material? This book has answers! The authors cover quantitative…