Structured Journal Template

This structured journal template, based on the work of David Liben and Meredith Liben, can be used to introduce students to the use of structured journals in their close reading of texts. While this work can be started orally with younger students, this template will be best-suited for Grades 3 and up. Before using this…

Teaching Summary Writing to Support Comprehension

Watching this webinar from PaTTAN, you will learn why summarizing has been identified through research as highly effective for developing comprehension and writing. It defines a quality summary and how it differs from retelling or paraphrasing.  Practical suggestions for explicitly teaching summary writing based on text and non-text sources will be shared, including scaffolds. The…

Text Complexity: Stretching Readers with Texts and Tasks – Second Edition

When it comes to choosing texts for the classroom, educators have a lot of questions. Should we be looking at levels, lexiles or other readability criteria? Do we limit kids to “just-right” books? How can we scaffold instruction to help struggling readers access age- and grade-appropriate material? This book has answers! The authors cover quantitative…

Apprendre au cerveau à lire

Apprendre au cerveau à lire: stratégies pour améliorer le décodage, la fluidité et la compréhension de lecture. Les enfants n’apprennent pas spontanément à lire ; il faut le leur enseigner. Cet article propose quelques stratégies pour améliorer l’identification des mots, le décodage, la fluidité et la compétence en lecture pour améliorer la compréhension.

Reading Road Trip: Novels in the Elementary Class: Best Practices with Clara Maria Fiorentini

Kate chats with Clara Fiorentini this week. Tune in to explore novels in the classroom: how class novel studies fit into structured literacy, how complex text can be scaffolded, using « read-alikes » to choose texts, and avoiding the perils of « extractitis » – don’t miss this thoughtful conversation about chapter books!

Reading Road Trip: Classroom Comprehension with Dr. Kristin Conradi Smith, Tamara Williams & Ellen Frackelton

This week Kate talks to Kristin Conradi Smith, Tammy Williams, and Ellen Frackelton about research-based comprehension strategies for the classroom, including considerations for text selection and preparation, common pitfalls to avoid and “use it tomorrow” ideas. Bottom line: no more strategy of the week!

La littératie au quotidien

Une banque d’activités pédagogiques permettant de développer trois des sphères du Référentiel en lecture : identification des mots, fluidité et compréhension. Inclut aussi plusieurs ressources illustrant des pratiques gagnantes pour l’apprentissage de la lecture de même que des outils permettant de suivre et d’évaluer le progrès des élèves.

« No More Strategy of the Week »: Considerations for Connecting Comprehension Instruction Back to the Book

In this article, the authors present some considerations for abandoning decontextualized strategy instruction and instead provide some ideas for how to shape comprehension instruction around the texts we use in the classroom. They offer some guiding theories, some key considerations, and they present examples for classroom teachers.

Home Reading Materials

Fostering partnerships between school and home is key to supporting strong student outcomes. Jenni vanRees and other educators at Blue Heron Public School (WRDSB) have created this collection of materials to support a home reading program aligned with structured literacy and the science of reading. The materials include: a letter home to parents and caregivers…