Getting Ready for Report Cards – Part Two


Assessment and evaluation aim to maintain high standards, improve student learning, and benefit all students, parents, and teachers. In gathering the information that accurately reflects how well a student is achieving the curriculum expectations, and then judging the quality of their learning of the overall expectations, teachers employ various tools. As we approach the next...

Event Series The OMLTA Reading Network

The OMLTA Reading Network – Partner Event


The Ontario Modern Language Teachers’ Association/Association ontarienne des professeurs de langues vivantes (OMLTA/AOPLV) will be hosting a series of networking sessions for FSL educators to provide you with resources and strategies to support the teaching of reading in all FSL programs. Date and Time Topic Presenter(s) April 5 Kickoff Reception at the OMLTA Spring Conference...

Event Series C.A.T. Chats

C.A.T. Chats


Join us for an informal chat session where our team members are all ears for your burning questions about reading, writing, and everything in between! From understanding the curriculum strands to exploring resources and best practices, the Curriculum Assistance Team is here to support you. Register for this event and the confirmation email will include...

Embedded Picture Mnemonics Launch Party!


Embedded picture mnemonics are a research-based way to teach children about letters and the sounds they represent. They are letter cards with the image of a key word embedded directly in a letter, such as the letter z made out of a zipper, or the letter r made out of a road. Research indicates that...

La lecture à voix haute


Est-ce pertinent d'abandonner l'utilisation de livres illustrés dans un cadre d'enseignement explicite des compétences et connaissances fondamentales en lecture? Quelle est la valeur des albums jeunesse dans un programme structuré de littératie? Comment susciter un amour pour la lecture tout en guidant les élèves vers une acquisition systématique des compétences en lecture?   Cet atelier...

Event Series Summer Syntax Celebration

Summer Syntax Celebration


Syntax is often overlooked and misunderstood, but is KEY to reading and writing proficiency!   This series presents research on syntax and explains its critical role in comprehending complex text, reading fluency, and writing coherent sentences. Armed with this understanding, educators will learn how to teach their students the functions of sentence parts—words, phrases, and...

Important Canadians Unit Launch


In this informative webinar, members of the ONlit team will introduce Important Canadians, the new Kindergarten/Grade 1 read-aloud unit based on the Core Knowledge Language Arts framework. Participants will get behind-the-scenes insights on how this unit was developed, as well as tips for supporting comprehension with read-alouds, knowledge-building, intentional questions and explicit vocabulary instruction. Tuesday...

C.A.T. Chats – Back to School


Join members of the C.A.T Team as we discuss all things back-to-school.   Unsure about where to start? Curious about how other educators are structuring their blocks? Want to discuss ONlit’s new resources such as the Embedded Picture Mnemonics or Important Canadians Unit?   Drop in for an informal discussion where we share ideas and...

Screening: What Principals Need to Know

Virtual Event Virtual Event

A short webinar and Q&A for principals Join us for a comprehensive session outlining the essentials of reading screeners and their administration within your schools. This event is designed to...

Data-Informed Teaching: Strategies for Success


Effective literacy instruction begins with understanding the unique needs of every student. This workshop explores the crucial roles of universal screening and diagnostic assessments in informing teaching strategies and supporting...

Language Block Planning in Grade 2/3


Laura Bross, ONlit team member and Grade 2/3 classroom educator, will provide an overview of Language block planning. She will discuss how evidenced-informed practices and essential literacy skills guide her...