
Becoming a Literacy Leader Part 2: Rethinking Assessment Using Universal Screening

By IDA Ontario Last updated 2024/05/24
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This IDA Ontario Webinar is the second in a series focusing on early reading screening. It features three Ontario educators highlighting how they use universal screening in their K, 2/3, and grade 4 classrooms. In this webinar, teachers discuss how they screened students, and how they plan to use data to inform instruction and intervention.

Curriculum Connection

1. Curriculum Context
This webinar unpacks what universal screeners are: fast, reliable and valid, indicators of essential early literacy skills that are predictive of student success. This webinar will help answer many questions in regards to universal screening and how to use the results from the screener to inform instruction. 
Grade(s): K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Topic(s): Screening
total length


  1. This webinar is everything! So many ‘debate’ hot topics are discussed here. I like how the connections to the ministry, curriculum, human rights and right to read are all connected here. This really helps educators who are new on their journey of universal screening- or not! Thanks!

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