PD Materials

IES K-3 Professional Learning Community Facilitator Guide

By Institute of Education Sciences Last updated 2025/02/07
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This facilitator’s guide is designed to assist professional learning communities (PLCs) in applying evidence-based strategies to help K-3 students acquire the language and literacy skills needed to succeed academically. This document is a support for educators watching the IES videos of foundational language and literacy instruction.

Curriculum Connection

B2. Language Foundations for Reading and Writing
This facilitator guide supports professional learning across multiple curriculum areas.
Topic(s): Alphabetic KnowledgeApplying MorphologyApplying OrthographyApplying PhonicsExplicit InstructionFluencyPhonemic AwarenessVocabularyWord-Level Reading and Spelling

One Comment

  1. I appreciated reading about inferential language, and how teachers can support students to use and develop inferential language in the classroom. This would be a valuable PLC to run.

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