Tier 2 words appear in many different contexts and are often subtle or precise ways to say relatively simple things. Since these aren’t words that will typically be used in a student’s conversations and they aren’t domain-specific, they should be given more focus than Tier 1 and Tier 3 vocabulary. The Academic Word Finder produces a list of words that are not too common and not too rare. This tool doesn’t replace educator judgment; rather it helps to support the educator in identifying which academic words to consider first. Educators also must gauge what words are most effective for their students’ current vocabulary levels.
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This is an impressive resource. Immediate results for options for Tier 2 words that can be used with a plethora of activities including sentence stems, word banks, word lists, word study and more. This would pair nicely with texts from various content areas and multimedia texts that can be easily cut and pasted into the search. Many opportunities here.