Reading Road Trip: All Things Fluency with Dr. Jan Hasbrouck

In this IDA Ontario podcast featuring Kate Winn and Dr. Jan Hasbrouck, the focus is on the significance of reading fluency and its impact on students’ literacy development. Reading fluency, characterized by accuracy, rate, and prosody, plays a vital role in overall reading proficiency and comprehension. The podcast highlights the importance of assessing reading fluency effectively, and using research-backed approaches to supporting fluency development.

Reading Road Trip: Mighty Moves for Reading Success with Lindsay Kemeny

In this podcast episode, Lindsay Kemeny highlights the “7 Mighty Moves” she made to align her early literacy instruction with research. Moves include teaching phonemic awareness with intention, teaching phonics explicitly and systematically, teaching decoding strategies, using decodable texts for beginning readers, encouraging more decoding of high-frequency words, providing meaningful fluency practice, and embracing vocabulary and knowledge instruction to support comprehension.