
Implementing Structured Literacy In the Classroom: Part 1: Phonological Awareness

By IDA Ontario, Emily Moorhead Last updated 2024/05/24
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This webinar is the first in a 3-part series hosted by IDA Ontario. In this webinar, Emily Moorhead describes and demonstrates playful phonological and phonemic awareness tasks that move children along a developmental continuum and form a strong oral language foundation for reading. She pays particular attention to the often missed pieces of phonemic awareness and models ways to develop “diagnostic ears,” to differentiate tasks for a range of abilities within a kindergarten classroom setting. She discusses specific strategies and concrete materials for connecting phonological awareness and print.

Curriculum Connection

B2. Language Foundations for Reading and Writing
This is a resource that supports early foundational skills in literacy in phonemic awareness and alphabetic knowledge. This will help Ontario educators to explicitly teach young learners to "use understanding of the sound structure of spoken words to orally isolate, blend, and segment phonemes, from simple structures with two phonemes to structures with more phonemes" and "name and form the upper- and lowercase letters in both in and out of order and demonstrate knowledge of alphabetic order, with automaticity." 
Grade(s): K 1
Topic(s): Alphabetic KnowledgeLiteracy Block PlanningPhonemic Awareness
total length

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