
A 2020 Perspective on Research Findings on Alphabetics: Implications for Instruction

By Dr. Susan Brady Last updated 2025/02/06


Alphabetics (phonemic awareness and phonics) were key elements of effective, evidence-based reading instruction identified in the National Reading Panel. 20 years after the release of the report of the panel, Dr. Susan Brady summarized Panel findings, and highlighted key findings from research after its release.

The View Resource button below opens the 2020 paper, and the video is a 2022 presentation by Dr. Brady explaining updates to her research.

Curriculum Connection

B2. Language Foundations for Reading and Writing
This resource builds educator knowledge and understanding of research around phonemic awareness and phonics, two key elements of B2.
Grade(s): K 1 2 3
Topic(s): Applying PhonicsPhonemic Awareness
total length

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