
Phoneme Awareness: What We Now Know

By Dr. Susan Brady, OregonRTIi Last updated 2024/05/24
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Dr. Susan Brady summarizes what we know about effective phonemic awareness instruction in this webinar.

Curriculum Connection

B2. Language Foundations for Reading and Writing
This article supports the teaching of phonemic awareness (B2.1), allowing educators to ensure that instruction is closely aligned with research.
Grade(s): K 1
Topic(s): Phonemic Awareness
total length


  1. I found this webinar really helpful to think about the effectiveness of phoneme level word instead of work with larger chunks (such as syllable). It was interesting to note that phoneme level work improved syllable awareness, but syllable level work did not support improvement at the phoneme level.

  2. Very pleased that this information is highlighted- it takes a long time to pull other ineffective practices back once they take root:

    -Skills are taught in small groups
    -Only one or two phonemic skills are taught in a lesson
    -Instruction is brief (no more than 20 hours per year, which means less than 30 minutes per week)
    -Letters are integrated

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